Sunday, January 21, 2007

Friends at sea.

One friend Zil makes too many personal remarks. We hate it. It's one thing to say "that's a nice hat" or something.. it's another thing to be completely over the top in praise of beauty, tea cosy we're accidentally wearing on our head etc. etc. Like Mia, we dislike flattery, but it's not that - it's this awful feeling - Too Much Attention.
Hate it.
She also constantly asks inane questions. Where have you been today? What did you have for dinner? What will you do this afternoon? I know these are all completely socially acceptable behaviours and with The World we just play along. Probably too hard - sorry to all people like me who wonder why we make so many inane remarks - here's your answer - to fit in.

For us, with no continuous episodic memory - ie: Thea doesn't remember what Trouble had for dinner the night before - it's just not there in her head - so to answer these profoundly meaningless questions is such an ordeal - we have to immediately rush to find everyone who's been out since last night's dinner, really ~rushing!~ through our mind and quick! quick! quick! goes the sense of urgency - often completely stop being whoever we are at that point (usually Calypso who really likes our friend Zil) and stampede through a dozen or so people desperately searching for the truthful answer to the 'What did you have for dinner last night?' question, which is passed like a baton of imperative from each to each. It hurts so fucking much. It takes about 2 seconds. Aren't we clever? And then... we have the ANSWER. Hallelujah. We will pass as Normal. We get to say "Soup".

Thank Christ for that.


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