Monday, January 01, 2007

Blue, green and red.

It was a wonderful night!
We had the party light on again.
Leila? Stephen? Mia?
Do you it from remember last year?
Disco crystal; blue, green and red.
(Thank you, Jenscovians!)

Megan and Rose arrived fifteen minutes shy of midnight.

Honey had already piked with an apologetic phonecall after her long day at work. I was very glad the phonecall came late in the afternoon ie: AFTER Mannie's residual middle class houseproud tendancies had already prodded her into cleaning the bathroom before Honey called. Now we have an amazingly clean bathroom. Which might not have happenned on account of Megan or Rose as they are Slobs Like Us.

Does the term 'slob' have its origins in racial abuse?
Nope. Something to do with mud.
~end tangent~

~new tangent~
In the interests of rent reduction (well, actually because the landlord told him to on account of our angling for rent reduction) Gray's been moving his studio from next door into this house - so that's two large rooms worth of art and film equipment to squeeze into our (former) front bedroom. We're sleeping in the (former) guest room. I've clung with tenacity to my front room but have had to store ALL our things in there as well as a double bed for guests. So Polly HQ. is a pretty crowded bedroom - guitar, viola, violin, two wardrobes, a vivid green office chair *twirl!*, suitcases, bellydancing stuff, desk and the beautiful bed that Stan made for us twelve years ago. Books are currently kept in the hall.

The fridge is now in the little room between the kitchen and the bathroom and that has made the kitchen such a friendlier place. The telly is out of the lounge room at last! It is in this room, the former guest room. We'll put a couch in there too, and this computer will be moved out to a rather awkward spot by the hot water system and (now) the fridge.

Megan abstains from the demon drink so we had lassies together in the (now, much roomier, see above) kitchen. Cardamon is so uplifting. Megan and Rose looked beautiful.

We didn't stay long at the Bugsplat Worker's Club. Long enough to see the fireworks and to be kissed rather too many times by rather too many elderly gentlemen. Megan, who has lived in Bugsplat all her life, has perfected several amazing manoeuvres to avoid this fate. I shall need to study them carefully. Zil was there with her new man. It was lovely.

Happy New Year to you all.


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