Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Little and big sister.

Our gorgeous sister Fiona sent us "Goddess" lipstick as requested AND a silver ring with an amber stone, and greenish gold glass bead earrings that really suit us. They arrived today; Trouble fetched them when she went to the Post Office to get the mail for work. When she opened the parcel, I (just jo) peeked over her shoulder.

She really loves this sister, though she doesn't know her well. Fiona was just a tiny little baby when they all went down to the dungeon. She didn't even get to meet Megan. Though I wonder if they got peeks. Perhaps. It's hard for us to know with any certainty.

Trouble looks up to Fiona, that I know, and admires her and feels in awe of her. It was a gentle little moment today, this receiving of gifts. Trouble likes the ring. She's wearing it on her middle left finger. It's pretty, but strong.

It makes me happy to think of Trouble as having a big sister, just as I am Fiona's big sister. Fiona knows us well enough to know she is both little and big to us.

How fortunate we are. How precious is our sister.


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