Sunday, January 28, 2007

Celebrating our last day, last night.

So. Work finished. Gray took photographs. We said goodbye to Wes (Work Experience Student) also known as "Work Experience Boy", "Evil Minion", "Trusty Slave" and "Sweetheart". Then in the evening we met 'the girls' at Castenada's for dinner, dessert and coffee before heading to the Bugsplat Hotel to see the local band.

"The girls" are;

Rose ~ gorgeous, bodacious, blonde, smart and fabulous.
She's a medical student visiting her family every holiday, oh, and she works in the shop,

Megan ~ elegant, bookish (in the best possible way) and sharp. She writes sonnets. And works in the shop, as you do in Bugsplat there not being much call for sonnet-writing.

Honey - a lovely person cursed with astonishing good looks that tend to distract people from her other qualities. Understandably ... as she is more beautiful that Salman Rushdie's wife and that's saying something because Salman Rushdie's wife's beauty was responsible for turning the great writer's brain to pudding else how can we explain "Fury"? Honey is without question Bugsplat's very own Aishwarya Rai. She used to be the Bugsplat Tourist Bureau Manager same as Trouble and she loves bellydancing same as Calypso.
Oh, yes, she also works in the shop.

Tom The Other Megan is Megan's friend and is a new addtion to our terrifying clique. Doesn't work in the shop.

We had a great time at dinner together - Tom and I just getting to know each other - she's really interesting. I looked at the table and felt so glad to be sitting with these fantastic, intelligent women. It was amazing. I am a bit scared because I know that when groups of women have these kinds of moments together where there's a group energy and it all just sparkles ... then it can end up that someone (often, me, I suggest fearfully) gets hurt. It's worth it though!

After Castenada's we walked to the Bugsplat Hotel to see the local band, and I saw Zil's Other Good Friend Nell, and Nell texted Zil to let her know I could come and pick her up which I did, taking Rose with me for company, and it was just like going out with a group of women should be - there was lots of to-ing and fro-ing and walking each other to the Ladies and rescuing each other from the overly amorous Farmer Gentlemen types and lots of mobile phones and lots and lots and lots of gossip. I found it all really exciting - you know, I was out - out for a night out. Megan was most annoyed that the "late licence" promised did not materialise and thus the evening was pretty much over at midnight, but I thought I saw a glimmer of relief as well in her amusing indignation.

We danced to at least a dozen songs, all covers but the singer is lovely, and her band very sweet and it wasn't cock rock.

All in all, a great night.


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