Sunday, November 08, 2009

Winton worship wears me down.

Come on, people, breath just wasn't that good.
And if I read one more party line about the landscape of WA and its influence on WA artists I'm going to pack up and move to Sydney.

Just kidding.
I could never leave this big, fresh, big (did I say big?) state with it's dark and mysterious oceans, windswept whatsis and red dirt and pay dirt and dirt music and big skies (wait, isn't that Montana?) and big (did I say big?) trees and...

Just kidding.

I could never leave this gorgeous place.
As I said once after a year of wandering the united states of america with my mouth open in awe,
this country is too good for them, too good for them. Such a big state, why such small minds?

Just kidding.

All minds are small. All people are like this. There's nothing special about this.

And Winton's not THAT bad, just that I don't think all the people who like him actually really like him the way I might like him if they didn't.

Just kidding.

Even this little fuss is too much, this little fuss to be read by Lowena, if I'm lucky.
Hi, Lowena. I wish you had your own body so I could ravish it.



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