Monday, November 13, 2006

Vocabulary meme.

Don't read this if you want to do the vocabulary meme all on your own, boys and girls.









well, I said that a talisman is a charm with power and that something ostentatious is overly showy and that to cajole means to coax and that an atheist doesn't believe in god and that to peruse is to read carefully (though I know that there's a case for that meaning to have shifted in recent times) and that an enigma is a mystery and that to be quoxotic is to be fast to act and that it's rude to be impudent (in contrast to imprudent) and that an altruist puts others first and that mastication is chewing and that serendipity is luck and that onmiscient is all powerful and that a woman should be happy to be told she is lithe even though I personally think a woman upon being told she is 'lithe' should be inclined to say "and you're telling me because...." or sneer unpleasantly. Or both. A hedonist seeks pleasure, right?

edit: *flashes her slip & blue stockings*

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Lonely Tricks.

I thought I'd write here for a moment. So Tricks doesn't feel lonely. All the other blogs are getting attention. I wrote at wants a cracker the kind of post I usually write here. I'm flat. Out. Of. Ideas.

Round and round in circles go the words, and nobody gets any wiser.

I'm going to get bitter and nasty if I write about the particular issue.
Not to say I won't write about it.
And get bitter and nasty.

Monday, November 06, 2006


There were two bananas on our doormat this morning. One (for Gray) said "Thanks for yesterday" and one (for me) said "Sorry about the mishap yesterday".

Coz there was no swim for us yesterday. Life got in the way.

In a couple of hours we'll be at the meeting we've been dreading.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hopeful of ocean.

We're waiting for our friend to arrive. Afternoon swim is planned.
Oh I hope she does come. I want to get in that ocean.